Requirements: - e107 CMS v2 - PayPal account
Planned features: - Ability to create unlimited donation-campaigns (menu items) [DONE] - Ability to define goals (goal amount and date) [DONE] - Ability to add pre-defined amounts and/or "custom amount" field for donation forms [DONE] - Access management for menu items [DONE] - Track Donations (and Donors), store PayPal IPN messages [DONE] - Goal tracking (per menu item) [DONE] - Reporting features to Admin UI (lists, charts, exports, etc) - Email donors customized email Thank You message. - Implements e_notify.php - Assign userclass to donor (user) automatically - NodeJS integration: real-time menu-items updates with push-notifications
Installation and configuration
- Create your Paypal Business Account
- Install PayPal Donation plugin
- Configure PayPal Donation plugin
- Goto PayPal Donation settings page, and set your Paypal (live and sandbox) email address.
- Create a donation campaign
- Create amounts for your donation campaign
- Place your PayPal Donation menu to where you want to display it
How to test your paypal integration with sandbox
In order to test your paypal integration with sandbox follow these steps:
- Step 1. This plugin is using Classic API read more here.
- Step 2. Register with and get verified but getting verified takes some time so you should already be registered long before starting testing.
- Step 3. Use your credentials from above to login to
- Step 4. Go to Dashboard -> Accounts (under sandbox heading).
- Step 5. Create at least one USER and one BUSINESS (MERCHANT) sandbox accounts. Emails don't have to real because mails are never send.
- Step 6. Setup PayPal Donation plugin to use the sandbox using the sandbox merchant email you created on Step 5.
- Step 7. Login to as USER or MERCHANT to see your balances.
- Step 8. Setup a donation campaign (See Installation and configuration).
- Step 9. Test donating using the sandbox USER - you should be redirected to the site and complete the purchase.
- Step 10. The MERCHANT user might have to login to and accept the payment (if its not setup in the settings).
- Step 11. Now you should see the payment in PayPal Donation menu you placed to your website.
Questions about this project?
Please feel free to report any bug found. Pull requests, issues, and plugin recommendations are more than welcome!
Donate with PayPal
If you think this plugin is useful and saves you a lot of work, a lot of costs (PHP developers are expensive) and let you sleep much better, then donating a small amount would be very cool.
ScreenshotsFront-end - Menu item
Admin Area
Support on Beerpay
Hey dude! Help me out for a couple of :beers:!